Two Things Narcissist Does Out of Their Jealousy & Envy


The first thing a narcissist does out of their jealousy for you is mirror you. They try to become a clone of you. They copy your personality traits, replicate your mannerisms, and attempt to steal away what you have without having the foundation, skills, or actual talents to sustain the progress and success you enjoy because of your hard work. They will talk the way you talk, wear the same clothes, and interact with people the same way, with the same gestures. It would be astounding to observe all of this. They may even apply for the same job in the same company for the same role. It’s crazy, but I have seen it happen.

The irony is they will never compliment you for the things they’re copying. You will see it, yet you will never hear a word from them. Why? Because they do not want you to feel good about yourself. They secretly admire you; they secretly want to be you. Sometimes they may even change their names. You may think this is out of this world, but no—I know there are survivors out there who have experienced this, and it can paralyze you, traumatize you. It’s like your personality is being hijacked, your identity is being stolen away. Slowly, you’re losing your grip on reality because there is a new you, and all of this happened non-consensually. You thought this was your friend, and now you see they are becoming you, getting closer to the people who you were close to, and you have been isolated, filtered out.

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