How a Narcissist Treats Truth Tellers


In a narcissistic family cult, you might be a child to narcissistic parents or surrounded by many narcissists while being the only black sheep—the only person who is not comfortable with their life, who is not faking, who is not giving in, who does not want to stay silent, who wants to call out things, and who wants to rebel for the right reasons. This attracts their negative attention, which is why you become their eternal enemy.

When you become a narcissist’s eternal enemy by being a truth-teller, they do many things. They begin by attacking you directly, guilt-tripping you, and making you feel like you’re doing something horrible by going against your family or speaking against your partner. They will make you feel a lot of fear—fear of being abandoned, shunned, or estranged from your core unit. They will do many things to stop you. If that does not work, they resort to smear campaigns. An enraged narcissist’s smear campaign is different from others because they can go to extreme lengths. They might remove your name from their will, destroy your relationships with siblings or relatives, take legal action against you, or file false complaints. They will do anything to bury you and stop you from speaking the truth.

Unfortunately, some truth-tellers have to run away from their home states or even leave their countries. I have met people who had to leave everything behind for their lives because they were in danger. They had to destroy everything to recreate it elsewhere. That is what happens to a truth-teller. It’s worth it, but at what expense? At the expense of your career, business, money, relationships, and more. I say this to acknowledge your pain, to validate you, and to let you know that, yes, it was a great thing to leave, but there is grief, pain, loss, and betrayal in leaving. Betrayal by your own partner, parents, siblings, friends, and relatives leaves you with a moral wound, making it extremely difficult to trust people again.

How Narcissists End Their Relationships… 3 Dirty Ways They Do It

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