7 Ways a Narcissist Ends Up Losing


They’re just a clone, a shape-shifter, a chameleon who absorbs and mirrors bits and pieces of those who they have been with, other sources of supply, and so on. There is nothing real to them. There is monotony, linearity, no expansion, only constriction, and it’s boring and pathetic to be with or to be around. It’s totally black and white; there is no color in their life. They end up losing because, when you recognize them as that, you naturally start distancing yourself from them, and they lose power over you. Their spell was all about making you think that they’re the most interesting person ever, but when the truth is revealed, they become the opposite. Rather, their truth comes to the surface, and you see it for what it is. That is their loss. They think delusionally so that they’re always going to keep you in that 3D illusion, but when you take off those rose-tinted glasses, they become disgusting, the most horrible person to be around. That is how they lose. They fail, and failure is not what is acceptable to a narcissist.

They destroy relationships with people who care about them the most, who love them like no one else.

They dump their friends because they are objects to be disposed of. They use their kids as objects or extensions that were created only to bring them glory. Do you think people are going to put up with that? Yes, initially, they might give them some benefit of the doubt, they might allow it to happen because they just want this person to change. They hope, they try, they give chances. But ultimately, what ends up happening? They end up leaving them, and the irony is, the narcissist blames everybody except themselves.

They pretend to be full of life, happy-go-lucky, joyful, oh, they’re the life of the party.

What Happens When You Ignore A Narcissist?

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