Let’s move on to the next thing you might expect. If waiting it out doesn’t seem like a viable option for the narcissist, and this may happen if they’re having trouble replacing you with another source of narcissistic supply, you might start to see a more intense pursuit. Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is about you. Narcissists are allergic to losing, and when you walk away, it’s the loss of control that’s most painful for them. Here, you might see them pulling out all the stops to get you to come back around. You might be tempted to think it’s because they miss you or have intense feelings for you. They may even tell you this, but unfortunately, with a narcissist, it’s never true. They miss the narcissistic supply and nothing more. In this phase, they will promise the world—more flexibility, more listening to you, no more angry outbursts—but it’s all talk and no sustainable action. Grand gestures and expensive gifts may emerge, but this is only to confuse you and restart the manipulation cycle.
Now, things are starting to heat up. The narcissist is beginning to see the truth that they’re really losing you. If you’re finding any of this helpful, go ahead and hit that like button now. Here’s where you start to see the first evidence that the narcissist is unraveling. This is when they start spinning the narrative that you are the problem. Let’s talk about the narcissist’s blame game. In a last-ditch effort to rewrite history their way, they’ll take zero accountability—no surprise there. Instead, they’ll portray themselves as the victim who was wronged by your cruelty and betrayal. Never mind the years of subtle and overt put-downs that chipped away at your self-worth behind the palace walls. In the narcissist’s revised narrative, you used them for status, exploited their generosity at every turn, and eventually discarded them when they fulfilled their purpose. This is when they start to paint you as the narcissist. But what they’re really doing is weaponizing blame and false accusations to shield their battered ego from the harsh truth—they were never capable of having a healthy relationship in the first place. If you’re finding yourself in this place right now, stay grounded in your truth. All of this is just evidence that their royal image is shattering.
Let’s talk about the next thing you might expect after a narcissist loses you. It may actually happen at any time, even hours after you’ve walked away. Can you guess what I’m talking about? I’m talking about new supply. But the reason I left this one until now is that I want to talk about when the narcissist starts flaunting this new supply. This doesn’t always happen until they’re sure you’re serious about leaving them. Narcissists don’t go without narcissistic supply for long, but the purpose of flaunting it is to get a reaction out of you. If they can get a reaction out of you, their crown remains intact. Here’s a comment that highlights an interesting perspective on the new supply that we don’t often get to see.
This Triggers The Narcissist To Come Back
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