Many people are unsure whether or not they are suffering from narcissistic abuse. Cognitive dissonance and the confusion that accompany abuse can have a lot to do with this. This is exactly what today’s article is all about: the awareness and solutions to empower you to rise above narcissistic abuse. Please note, that this article applies to absolutely any narcissist in your life. All the signs apply to any toxic relationship, such as with a spouse, lover, family member, neighbor, or friend—anyone.
So, without further ado, here are seven signs to know that you are suffering from narcissistic abuse.
1. Your Relationship is Not Kind, Caring, or Sane
Toxic relationships can be very confusing at times, making it difficult to know who is who in the zoo. This happens because the toxic person will spin it back on you, blame you, and will not be accountable. Remember, if someone hurts you and is not capable of a genuine apology, and you keep hanging out with this person, they will continue to hurt you. They will never be remorseful and will continue the same behavior. The truth is people either have decent character or they don’t. You can’t change them for who they are. People like this simply do not have the resources to grant us a healthy, loving, and happy life.
2. You Are Dealing with Immature Behavior
You Are Dealing with Immature Behavior and Give Up Pieces of Yourself to Comply . A hallmark of narcissistic relationships is the person getting bent out of shape over hairline triggers that mature adults just don’t get upset about. They believe they are entitled to and expect preferential treatment and can be nasty, demanding, punishing, and even explosive if they don’t receive it. Are there things that you would normally be free to talk about to anyone, but the same topic may be unacceptable or risky with this particular person? If this person doesn’t get their way, they might abandon you or threaten to leave you, causing you to start doing things outside of your comfort and value systems to prevent this from happening.
7 Things Narcissists Do When They’re Alone
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