Why Does a Narcissist Stare at You When You Sleep


Now I cannot explain how their staring at you is connected to planning and plotting, but I can tell you from personal experience when a narcissist is continuously staring at you with those creepy bulging eyes, know that they’re planning and plotting. I don’t know if that makes them hyperfocus on you and analyze you, and think only about you, like a laser beam is on you, and they’re constantly processing things. Number of possibilities, but this is psychopathic in nature.

Recalling a recent experience that I had with a narcissistic friend still sends chills down my spine. I can remember him having lunch, just sitting next to me, and I was playing a video game on the same dining table; the television was in front of me. I noticed he was constantly looking down like this while putting food in his mouth, and his big eyes were on me continuously. It was… I thought first I thought, maybe he’s just looking at me, that’s it. But then he was constantly like this, like this, and that I was taken aback. But I recognized it for what it was, and I gave him a very stern look back, and that is when he was like, “Oh, it’s so creepy.” Have you experienced something like this?

Number three: the good old sleep deprivation tactic.

Proof a Narcissist Doesn’t Have Any Friends at all

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