When Your To-Do List is Your Bucket List (You might be an ADHDer if*…)


Also, if you are an ADHD writer, you have a “Topics to Write About” list. The seemingly unrelated topic you reference smack in the middle of what you are currently writing about might not even be on that list. If not, you will likely need to pause mid-writing to add that topic to your on-going list in order to write more extensively about it later.

When you seek out this list to add the new topic, you may find another list, perhaps a few lists. These lists may even be in a tidy folder labeled “TO DO LISTS.” There are some things on these lists you will absolutely do, just not right now. Some of the tasks on these lists are already done, though you may not even be aware of that until you see the list.

This fact may give you a powerful desire to immediately create a giant, new shiny list, but if you are an ADHDer with a little awareness and recovery at the beginning of your day, you know better than to dive into a pile of lists and start curating without a plan.

Most people have some sort of plan for life, the year, their week, or today. A plan is essential for an ADHDer. Despite having a plan, everyone procrastinates, at least a little. It’s human.

ADHDers procrastinate with planning. They need help planning their plan.

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