When a Narcissist Realizes You’ll Never Come Back | 3 Moves They Make


When you leave a narcissist, how do they behave? What do they do? Well, they either try to love bomb you or they rage at you. They love bomb you to get you back; they rage at you to punish you. But what happens when they realize you are never coming back, and they understand they have lost? That is an entirely different story, and they behave differently in this case. Let’s talk about it further in today’s episode. I am Danish, a narcissistic abuse recovery professional. The topic for today’s episode is three unexpected ways a narcissist behaves when they realize you have left them permanently.

Number one: They step into narcissistic denial. This type of denial is not the same as the denial you may experience when something horrible happens, such as someone passing away. You step into denial because it’s a big shock, and you question the possibility of that event happening. It’s a natural response to adversity, isn’t it? But their denial is different. What do they find hard to accept? The fact that they have failed. Failed at what? At controlling you, tying you to their life, enslaving you, harnessing supply from you, manipulating you, controlling your actions, dictating your behavior, and having absolute access to all aspects of your life. That is what their denial is all about—they can’t accept it. Narcissists can never accept that they have failed at something because, as you already know, they think they are the masters of all trades. But that’s not true. When they realize you have left them permanently and you see them for who they are, not who they pretend to be, they are taken aback. That triggers a shock, and a mini narcissistic collapse can be seen. This might also trigger what is called fawning. That’s when they may mellow down. You could be dealing with a malignant narcissist, and when that narcissist depends on you for something—for example, if you were their primary source of supply and you leave them—they may shift their behavior significantly. From being an overt narcissist, they may temporarily turn into a covert narcissist. They might cry, show you an emotional side, or even beg you to come back. They may try different ways to bring you back into their life out of shock and denial. The shock and denial, as I said, aren’t from losing you; they’re from failing at abusing you.

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