When A Narcissist Is In Your Life This Is What They Do

When someone opens up about difficulties they face, they judge them. They are thinking that you should just suck it up and stop complaining and that they really don’t want to hear it. Because they don’t care.

Covert Narcissists are quick to look down on others. They turn up their nose on others who choose to settle and be content with the basics of life. But no matter what you do the Narcissist is judging you. Looking down their nose at you always trying to find fault with something you do or someone you are with. So, in their minds, you are not worthy to critique them because they are above you. In their delusional minds, they lie to themselves that others are below them in order to feel better about their sorry existence. This is why they have to devalue and put others down. It makes them feel better. This is why they like when other people fall into misfortune. Everything that goes wrong for someone else is what puts a pep in their step. At the end of the day, Narcissists are very critical of others even though they cannot stand being criticised by others. They will judge us and look down on us no matter what. Nothing we do will ever be enough. Nothing we give them will ever satisfy. There is no point trying to please a Narcissist. This is why we should not live our lives for them but instead aim to live without them.

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