The Evil Witch | Narcissist’s Mother | Don’t seek her Support


Intially they don’t understand it

Unfortunately, a lot of women, in the beginning, do not understand the dysfunctionality and the brokenness of this family unit. So, they try to fix it; they try to bring everybody together; they try to involve themselves; they try to make themselves a part of this system but fail and keep failing. The painful part? They blame themselves because they are told, “Oh, it’s your fault, oh, you are an outsider.” They’re always made to feel that there’s something lacking in them or they’re not a good fit. They give and sacrifice and do more, all for what? To be told that you are not enough or that this is how you have messed up and you’re going to be treated like an outsider always.

There is no integration as a family

There is no integration as a family in such a family, and to make them happy is a failed pursuit, which is the reason why you should stay away from them. You should not try at all, no matter how alluring the facade, no matter how kind one of these family members is to you or pretends to you. You should try to stay away and seek help from those who understand your situation as it is, outsiders who have nothing to do with the family, not even extended family. You should not go to the source of this chaos, to the source of this pain because they will always, always, I guarantee you this, take their child’s side.

Proof Narcissist Knows What They are Doing

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