If you think witchcraft is limited to voodoo and black magic, you may want to think again. Behind witchcraft is rebellion and manipulation, and narcissists are master manipulators. Remember the words of 1 Samuel 15:23: “For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.” Many will even refer to this spirit as the Jezebel spirit.
The Spirit of Envy:
Envy is a resentful dissatisfaction over what another person has, and its quiet cousin is covetousness. Scripture is clear: “Thou shall not covet.” But narcissists always feel entitled to have what they don’t, and Satan is the prince of envy. Envy may actually be the head demon, but there are several sub-demons operating here as well, like murder, revenge, spite, anger, strife, hatred, cruelty, divisions, envy, and competition—just to name a few.
The Spirit of Confusion:
There’s something sinister about confusion. It’s a weapon that the enemy uses to unleash his attack through mental and emotional distraction and disorientation. It’s designed to paralyze you with overwhelm and cause you to question the Word of God and even your own sanity. This is the realm narcissists love to play in, as it takes the focus off of their diabolical behavior.
The Spirit of Condemnation:
Since deflection is the name of the game with a narcissist, it’s no wonder that the spirit of condemnation is right there to encourage hateful accusations designed to find fault in their victims. Their aim is to create a sense of hopelessness within you through constant criticism and blame-shifting.
The Spirit of Control:
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