The Biggest Sign of FINAL Narcissistic Discard | They’re not coming back


The most important sign of a narcissist discarding you for the final time is their lack of fear. When they lose fear of what you can do to them, how you could try to potentially expose them, and of all the consequences they may face because of the breakup or divorce, it’s a critical indicator. Why? Because they’re not afraid of what you can say about them. They have already spread false information and propaganda against you, smearing your reputation in the eyes of those who matter—people who can influence their current state of life positively or negatively.

If their current source of supply is a good human being and gets to know who they really are and how they have treated you, possibly they could leave them. But the narcissist is a master manipulator and knows how to play the strategic game. They’ve already convinced this new person that you are the crazy one, the stalker, whose main agenda is to financially destroy them and who wants nothing but parental alienation.

Why Is This the Biggest Sign?

This becomes your final discard when they know the people they have brainwashed are not going to believe your version of the story. In fact, they are going to see your expression of the truth as proof of your craziness. This is how convoluted all of this is. For example, if you reach out in anger about what the narcissist did to you, and their current partner shows those messages or shares that recording with the narcissist, they will go, “See, this is what I was talking about. I told you he or she is stalking me,” and pretend to be a victim, proving that you are the one who has lost their mind and wants nothing but to annihilate the narcissist.

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