Scary End of a Narcissist’s Life, 5 Disturbing Truths

Narcissism is like a rabies virus. When it enters your body, it doesn’t show any initial signs or symptoms. You get an incubation period, allowing the virus to grow and eventually reach your central nervous system. But once it hits your brain, you’re gone. Similarly, a narcissist has all the time to do their damage to others, but as they grow older, their narcissistic defenses weaken, and they become the worst version of themselves. They also suffer in many ways, which is what we will discuss in this article. Five Things That Happen to a Narcissist as They Approach the End:

1. They End Up Lonely, Struggling, and Suffering

Throughout their lives, narcissists rob others of peace. Why would they have any peace towards the end? They want people to cater to their needs, but nobody is willing to put up with a cranky, difficult person. Instead of mellowing out, they become even worse, leading to absolute isolation and loneliness. Even medical caretakers grow fed up with them, and everyone secretly wishes for their passing. I’ve witnessed this with my malignant narcissistic grandfather, who made everyone’s life miserable, including his own family, who prayed for his death.

2. Their Weakness and Insecurities Become More Evident

As they age, the narcissist’s insecurities, which they’ve always tried to hide, become visible to everyone. They start reminiscing about the “good old days” to gain sympathy, but their fragile state prevents them from seeking supply in the usual ways. Instead, they pretend to be victims, hoping for pity, but it no longer works. As they regress into a childlike state, desperately holding on to whatever attention they can get, their weaknesses become even more pronounced.

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