Do This If You Want the Narcissist NEVER Discard You

You want your relationship with that narcissist to work, don’t you? You want to keep them in your life. You want to make the impossible possible. Great! In this article, I’m going to walk you through a blueprint. I’ll provide you with a framework on what not to say, what to say, how to behave, how not to behave, and how to keep them in your life. Stay until the very end because each point is extremely important. You’ll learn the strategy.

The topic for today’s article is Five Ways to Make Your Relationship Work with a Narcissist. If that sounds aggravating and you’re thinking, “What the hell?”—stay until the end, and you’ll understand exactly what I’m talking about.

Before I dive into the main content, let me lay the foundation by saying this: you must follow a set of strict rules. You cannot modify them, nor can you operate differently and expect a positive outcome. You have to stick to the script.

1. Do Not Fall Ill and Expect Anything From Them

You must not have any needs whatsoever. You cannot express your emotions or be vulnerable, as that will be seen as a weakness, a character flaw. If something tragic happens, don’t expect them to give you a shoulder to cry on or to rescue you. For example, if a loved one passes away, you will be all alone. They won’t come to hug or comfort you. They won’t give you any embrace or make you feel safe in the hardest moments of your life. Why? Because they are emotionally dead. What can you expect? They are cold, zombified by their experiences long ago. There’s no soul within them.

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