Do This ONE THING to Make Narcissist Expose Their True self

Defeating a narcissist does not have to be as hard as it sounds. People often misunderstand their grandiosity, entitlement, and arrogance as intelligence, when in reality, they are fools because they have zero emotional intelligence (EI). This makes them reactive, impulsive, immature, and quite childlike. They can and will expose themselves if you remain calm and uncertain throughout your fight against them. How can you use uncertainty against them? How do you stay calm, and what will that do to this toxic individual?

Narcissists always need to read the situations and are very anxious. That’s why they are reactive; they have zero control over their lives, so they try to exert it on other people. They need to know what’s going on; they need to create predictability through their predatory actions. I say it all the time: they need to read the situation, which means they need to know all the tools in your arsenal, what weapons you’ll be using against them, and how. That’s the process of staying ahead, and you must always remain unpredictable to defeat them.

That’s why I always say you must not tell the narcissist what you’re up to, what you will do, or how you will take steps to defeat them. You must always remain unpredictable in any given situation if you want to defeat them. Why? Because your unpredictability can trigger them inside out. If you stay calm and keep your cards close to your chest, not revealing everything you’ve got, they will lose it. During that process, they’ll do something really silly. Their narcissistic false self will make them do something childish, like raging at you or showing their true self in front of everybody. They lose it, and that’s what we want. They lose it, showing who they are behind that nice-guy or nice-person mask. You have to wait for that moment.

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