Cruelest Way Narcissist Silences Your Voice

Eventually, a time comes in every narcissistic relationship when the wife turns silent. She stops smiling, interacting, and becomes a highly reactive version of herself. Most people think, Oh, she’s gone crazy. She’s lost it. She’s insane, oversensitive, or exaggerating things. Then, they say nasty things like, Oh, he’s right to treat her that way because she’s a destructive human being.

Nobody takes a step back to ask, What turned her into who she is today? What is happening? What part of her story do we not know? Consequently, she is isolated.

The primary reason behind her collapse is exhaustion. Believe it or not, she’s done giving. She has poured everything into this relationship, into this marriage, but nothing has worked. The most painful thing is that her husband — that monster — has become worse. She feels defeated, helpless, and hopeless. The relentless cycle of extreme highs and lows has left her emotionally drained — numb, even — not just toward her husband but toward the world at large.

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