6 Undeniable Signs A Narcissist Is Cheating On You


Narcissists are notorious cheaters, but they hide it so well that it becomes almost impossible for you to know what they are doing behind your back. They leave signs, but they’re not obvious enough for you to realize that something is going on. Even if there’s proof, they conceal, twist, and manipulate it, making you believe that you are the crazy one, that you’re making things up, or worse, that you’re the one cheating on them.

So, what are the signs that you should look for to truly know if a narcissist is cheating on you? Let’s learn about these signs in this episode.

They Pretend to Hate Cheating

Number one, they express early in the relationship how much they hate and dislike cheating and lying, hinting that they are the opposite of what they claim to be. They often talk about how much they hate cheaters, how their exes cheated on them, and how much it hurt them. This creates a perception of them being the victim and you being the savior, making you feel obligated to them. They keep talking about it until you believe that they are loyal and would never cheat. They are brainwashing and manipulating you in preparation for the cheating they plan to do later. They want you to believe that they could never take that route because it goes against their values and integrity. But the truth is, they are preparing you to think otherwise. Later, when you find proof of their actions, they will deny it, insisting that they are not a cheater and making you feel like you are imagining things or even cheating on them.

They Frequently Cancel Plans at the Last Moment

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