5 Secret Things That Make a Narcissist Collapse Everyday


We all know about the big things that make a narcissist panic and leave them in a very anxious state. Things like abandoning them, exposing them, saying no to them, having boundaries with them, or not giving them attention. But what if I told you there are trivial, small things that send big shocks down their spine and leave them jeopardized? Things that make their life miserable on a daily basis. Don’t believe me? Let me prove it to you. The topic for today’s article is five trivial things that shock a narcissist to his or her core.

When things do not go their way.

I’m not talking about when you say no to them or set boundaries with them. I’m talking about things that happen on a daily basis and are beyond their control. For example, when they have to wait in line and be patient, when they cannot be the first one to be taken care of, the first one to be attended to, the first one to be put on a pedestal. They panic. They feel really anxious. Why? Because they are entitled. Their entitlement informs them that they should come first. Everybody follows because they are of lesser value and worth in comparison to the narcissist. So the narcissist should be the one to be taken care of. But because, in the real world, things do not function according to the narcissist’s model, they are forced to wait, to be patient, to stand in that queue, and wait for their number. This makes their anxiety manifest as rage, which they take out on either the person in charge or those who accompany them. Narcissists have a very delusional expectation from the world at large. They want everybody to acknowledge their greatness, how amazing they are in comparison to the rest. They want everybody to kneel before them. They want everybody to turn themselves into doormats and let the narcissist walk over them.

9 Demeaning Things Narcissists Say

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