5 Extremely Abusive Things Narcissist Do That Don’t Feel like Abuse


They exploit their children, stealing their innocence and happiness. They turn their life into a movie, making them a fictional character. No matter where they go, a camera is in their face. True emotions are never acknowledged. When a child cries, the narcissistic parent takes out the camera, asking them to cry louder for a shiny, attractive thumbnail to get more viewers. This is how narcissistic parenting looks in the modern world, where children are indirectly sold for money, losing their innocence and trust.

3 Expecting you to work 24/7.

Humans are not designed to stand for long hours. After a few hours, you need to sit. But narcissists expect you to serve their false ego constantly—cooking, cleaning, earning, and taking care of children while they relax. If you ask for help or rest, they label you as too sensitive, compare you to others, and demean you. They use you like a slave, making you lose time, opportunities, and the chance to explore your career, causing resentment and grief.

4 They use toxic spirituality to gaslight you.

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