Number Seven: Narcissists have a very low tolerance for criticism and rejection.
Narcissists are highly sensitive to any kind of criticism, even constructive criticism. They cannot accept rejection from others, so they become very defensive when someone rejects them or comments negatively on their actions. Narcissists feel that they are special, unique, and deserve special treatment. They thrive on attention and praise from others, and they feel threatened by any form of criticism because it makes them look bad in front of others. Narcissists think that if someone criticizes them, they must not be worthy enough to receive praise from others.
Number Eight: Narcissists do not really believe in love or friendship. Narcissists’ only genuine love interest is themselves.
Therefore, any relationship outside of self-love will never last very long. Eventually, someone will realize how fake these relationships are compared to real ones between two people who care. Narcissists will say they love you, but it is not real love. It is shallow and self-serving. If you are lucky enough to have them in your life, be very careful not to become too dependent on them. Narcissists will drop you like a hot potato when something better comes along. They only care about what they can get from you and then move on when they feel like it or when someone else offers them more. Narcissists do not understand what friendship is because they only care about themselves. If someone else does not benefit them somehow, why would they bother with them? A narcissist may tell you that you are their best friend, but if you try to be there for them when they need support or even just a listening ear, they will turn on you and make up lies about how bad of a friend you are.
Number Nine: Narcissists want all the attention in the room and do not want anyone else to shine brighter than them.
Narcissists are people who love the spotlight. They want all the attention in the room, and they do not want anyone else to shine brighter than them. They do not want anyone else to shine brighter because if someone shines brighter, their self-image is diminished. A narcissist’s entire sense of identity is wrapped up in being better than everyone else, so their whole world falls apart if someone comes along and outshines them. If you are dealing with a narcissist, you might notice them stealing your ideas, taking over you in meetings, or credit grabbing. Narcissists are often successful because they know how to get what they want, including making everyone around them feel small compared.
10 Tactics to Put a Narcissist in Their Place
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