For these people, romance is a very confusing concept. They are only interested in the courtship stage of dating. They are not mature enough to follow through on their promises and enter into a meaningful relationship. Their love life is a series of courtships with a different woman each time. They are in love with the concept of love rather than someone, which is why they always avoid kissing their partners. Still, the sad truth is that they never allow themselves to become invested in people, which means they never get to experience these amazing feelings. Narcissists have several difficulties when it comes to love. First, they neither see themselves nor others clearly as humans. They perceive others as extensions of themselves rather than as distinct individuals with varying needs, goals, and feelings.
Number 3: Narcissists Lack Empathy
Empathy is an entirely foreign idea to narcissists. They have almost no sympathy for anyone, so they are against comforting their love interests when sad or feeling down. A portion of kissing involves viewing the other person as attractive, worthy, and equal. Narcissists are incapable of doing so because they cannot relate to others. They believe that no one is as amazing as they are, and as a result, they cannot relate to them. Typically, certain feelings are generated when kissing someone, even if it is just for a fling. You’re both on the same wavelength and can feel each other. With this in mind, narcissists are unlikely to benefit from kissing.
Number 4: Narcissists Don’t Want To Admit Their Feelings
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