I’m going to share phrases you can say to a narcissist that can completely crush their ego—whether you intend to or not. Let’s dive in.
Narcissists and Cold-Blooded Animals
Narcissists often remind me of cold-blooded animals. Not only is that a fitting insult, but there’s some truth to it. Just like cold-blooded animals rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature, narcissists depend on others to sustain their self-esteem and happiness. Their “heat lamp” is narcissistic supply—attention. When you deprive them of this, you strike at their ego, which is as fragile as a balloon ready to be popped.
Let’s look at how you can do this, starting with number one:
1. The Unimportance
Telling a narcissist they’re unimportant in any way can be devastating to them. Narcissists thrive on a sense of self-importance, but they rely on others to validate this feeling.
Phrases like:
- “I don’t have time for you right now.”
- “I have other priorities.”
- “I’ll get back to you when I can.”
…make them feel unwanted and unloved. Narcissists expect you to respond to their demands immediately. When you treat them like everyone else, they feel diminished. This aligns with the gray rock technique, which involves making yourself seem dull and uninteresting to a narcissist. Phrases such as:
- “Oh, I didn’t realize you called four times. I’ve been busy.”
- “I haven’t read your texts; I’ve had other things going on.”
…deliver the message: You are not my first priority.
2. The Disbelief
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