Why You Are More POWERFUL Than The Narcissist


Narcissists create a lot of their own problems. They are their own worst enemies. And although they want to control, they keep giving away their power.

The narcissist does not seem to realise that is what they are doing. And not even the victims sometimes realise the powerful position that the narcissist has placed them in.

Today we are going to look at the powerful position that we are placed in by the narcissist, which in turn makes us more powerful than the narcissist. It has a lot to do with the fact that narcissists need people. They hate being alone. They cannot stand being in their own company with nothing to do.

They need to be distracted from themselves, and that is why relationships are so important to them. In the mind of the narcissist, others exist not only to serve them but to affirm them. They depend on us to confirm their delusions, their fake images and personas.

In this article, I explained how the narcissist uses us to confirm their false identity. Because if they can convince us that they are kind, trustworthy, caring, etc., then that is what the narcissist is going to go on to believe about themselves, despite the fact that they are not being genuine. What others think and say about the narcissist is used to help shape their perception of themselves.Never do they look within to address what is truly inside.

This Will Make The Narcissist Obsessed With You

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