Why are Enablers More Dangerous Than Narcissists?

A narcissist’s enabler is more dangerous than the narcissist themselves. In fact, this enabler, this flying monkey, causes more damage than the actual monster. Don’t believe me? Let me prove it to you in this episode.

If you don’t know what an enabler is, well, it’s a person who kisses a narcissist’s behind. It’s as simple as that. A person who has no identity of their own and only functions through the narcissist’s abuse. They depend on the narcissist for constant approval, validation, acceptance, and admiration. If the narcissist abandons them, their identity gets eroded.

Usually, in a narcissistic family, one of the parents plays the enabler’s role. Now, these enablers may or may not be a narcissist themselves, but in either case, they are extremely destructive—more damaging than the narcissist. How? Well, they establish a hypocritical relationship with you.

When they are with you, they’ll tell you they understand what you’ve been through. They’ll feel sorry for you, acknowledge your pain, and try to heal your wounds. They’ll be there for you, and what will that do? You’ll trust them. That’s how they gain your trust. But when they go back to the narcissist, they’ll stab you in the back. They’ll talk nonsense about you, gossip, laugh at you, and join the cult, saying things that are untrue. They won’t take your side or defend you as they pretend to do when they’re with you. They won’t talk about the suffering you’ve been through because of the family. No, they’ll join the narcissist and give them all the news, sprinkling it with some of their own lies just to gain the narcissist’s approval.

How does all of this make them more dangerous than the narcissist you’re dealing with? Well, it’s been rightly said that a fake friend is more dangerous than a fierce enemy.

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