When Your Image Matters To The Narcissist


When Your Image Matters To The Narcissist

Today I want to look at some of the things Narcissists do to affect your image or reputation. Because, a few weeks ago, I did an article addressing the fact that your image matters to the Narcissist and that is why they will always try to control how others view you, regardless of your relationship status with them.

 Narcissists are very envious and they secretly compete with the people in their lives. As a result, they hate when others are more successful or loved than they are. Therefore, they constantly look for ways to undermine and even sabotage a person’s efforts and reputation. All Narcissists are guilty of this.

The Narcissistic parent would do it to their child and vice versa. Or the Narcissistic partner, friend, co-worker, or other Narcissistic family members. Basically, it does not matter who the Narcissist is, they are envious to the core and they view everyone as a threat. And because your good image or reputation is a threat to theirs there are a few things they will do to change that, so that they can be viewed more positively than you.

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