What Are a Narcissist’s Favorite Sayings?


Everyone’s understanding of the narcissistic abuse cycle will be unique.

While some people may have an easier time recognizing narcissistic behaviors like wrath or silent treatment, others may have more luck focusing on the phrases that narcissists employ.

This prompted us to write an article in which we connected often used terms in narcissistic relationships to a variety of narcissistic manipulative techniques.

We hope that readers in any form of narcissistic relationship will be able to hear these statements and will be able to recognize narcissistic behavior patterns much more easily.

There will undoubtedly be major differences between what our participants heard and what you would hear.

As a result, we divided their responses into five different manipulative methods and presented a list of the varied phrases our participants came across.

We genuinely hope that this post has helped you recognize narcissistic behavior patterns in your life.


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