The Shocking Effects of Silent Treatment on Avoidant Attachments


Have you ever felt like someone you love is ignoring you? That’s the silent treatment.

Unfortunately, this kind of treatment can have a lasting effect on relationships, especially for those with an avoidant attachment style.

Understanding its impact is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships.

First, let’s explore what an avoidant attachment style is.
We all have an attachment style, and there are four main types.
People with a secure attachment style usually thrive in their relationships. They tend to feel safe and stable with their partners and others.

Next is the anxious-preoccupied type, who constantly worry about being abandoned and may feel anxious and clingy in relationships.
Then, there’s the fearful-avoidant type, known for their hot-and-cold attachment style. They can be unpredictable because they fear both abandonment and intimacy, leading them to seek closeness but push people away when it’s reciprocated.

Finally, there’s the dismissive-avoidant, which is our focus in this video.
People with this attachment style have a deep fear of commitment, often because they’ve experienced emotional neglect during childhood. These experiences make intimacy feel threatening. As a result, they tend to shy away from vulnerability and deep connections.

Conflict affects dismissive avoidants differently compared to other attachment styles. They tend to take conflict to heart more than expected. This can take a greater toll on them, not just because of their limited emotional bandwidth or unmet needs, but also because of the way they handle conflict. Dismissive avoidants dislike conflict because it makes them feel emotionally insecure. They often prefer space, especially during relationship challenges. Sometimes, they might avoid relationships entirely to steer clear of potential conflicts.

Now, let’s discuss how the silent treatment affects them.

1: They have mixed feelings about the person and the relationship.

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