The Only Guaranteed “One Crazy Trick” for Dealing with a Narcissist


While the narcissist’s behavior is not your fault, it’s crucial to recognize that the relationship is a two-way street. The parasite cannot function without its host. Reflect on what you’re getting from the relationship and evaluate your emotional vulnerabilities. Understanding these can help you move forward and shut down the narcissist for good.

In some cases, your physical home or family might be at stake, creating a complex dependency. In other cases, the narcissist’s intense infatuation might offer a distorted sense of comfort despite the underlying abuse. Perhaps you still believe they can change or cling to certain positive memories. Identifying these emotional hooks is essential for breaking free.

The Only Effective Method

The only way to completely shut down a narcissist is to cut them out of your life entirely. Partial measures, like taking breaks or moving away but staying in contact, won’t work. The narcissist must be removed from your life in every possible way. This might sound harsh, especially if you’ve built a family or close relationship with them, but it is the only way to protect your mental and emotional health.

Standing Your Ground

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