The Evil Witch | Narcissist’s Mother | Don’t seek her Support


She will further Aggrevate the issue

She will further aggravate the issue, her animosity, and jealousy towards you. She will further aggravate the issue; she will poison him against you and make him do things she cannot do directly. This is called abuse via proxy. She will use him as a pawn. She will be secretly happy about your suffering. But out of hypocrisy, she might make it seem like she understands your issue because she is a woman as well. We call it zero empathy, or she may feign empathy, you know, the caring, concerning, loving mother-in-law. But in reality, she is monstrous. She is a cruel witch who only wants your destruction.

Why? Well, think about it this way: you stole her biggest asset. You didn’t, but that’s how she thinks about it. You stole her son, the one whom she saw as a replacement for her partner, the person she was deeply enmeshed with and almost treated him like her husband. That sounds disgusting, crazy, truly it feels like that if you are a partner of such a narcissistic man, and you have been dealing with your narcissistic mother-in-law, you know what I’m talking about. Drop your experiences in the comments so that you can validate other people, other women who are going through this hell of a ride.

When you “Abandon” the narcissist

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