The Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism


Why do narcissists mess with your mind so much? It’s because your mind is Satan’s number one target. If he can get into your head, he can affect and infect every other area of your life, and he starts by using the people closest to you.

Narcissism is a deeply infectious personality problem that can affect and infect every area of your life. But did you know that there are actually demonic spirits driving that grandiose, self-entitled behavior? You see, a narcissist is someone who has yielded to the demonic spirits driving their destructive behavior. These spirits tempt the narcissist with a false sense of hope, strength, and control. Because the narcissist has such a deep sense of shame that they desperately try to avoid and cover up, they actually become easy targets for wicked spirits to have their way.

The demonic goal is not only to destroy the life of the person they infect but also the lives of those connected to the narcissist. People they couldn’t otherwise get to are now easy prey for these demons as the narcissist becomes their Trojan horse. Their goal is to make you feel like you’re going crazy and to get you consumed in the narcissistic behavior so that you have no time or energy to focus on God and His purpose for your life.

Demons will use narcissists to:

  1. Jam up your receiving signal from God.
  2. Keep you on an exhausting emotional roller coaster.
  3. Trap you in a toxic mental spiral.
  4. Deceive you into believing that, as a Christian, you’re somehow responsible for improving this person’s behavior in the relationship.

To better arm you, let’s talk about eight of the common demonic spirits that operate behind narcissists and how you can overcome them.

The Spirit of Witchcraft:

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