The Biggest Sign of FINAL Narcissistic Discard | They’re not coming back


A narcissist’s image is everything to them. If they can protect it, if they can prevent you from harming it, then why would they stay in your life? They leave you powerless, with no option except to settle with what they dictate. They know you can’t do much in the court system legally because the court is not ready to recognize emotional abuse. Nobody is there to support you. So, of course, they are going to leave you, torture you, show the evilest side of themselves, and harm your children. When a narcissist has secured their new source of supply and successfully convinced them of your insanity, that’s when you should know this is the final discard. They’re never coming back, and you will have to move on, strategically safeguard yourself, and heal that betrayal wound.


Betrayal is one of the most painful experiences that narcissistic abuse leaves you with because everything, right from the beginning until the very end, turns out to be a lie. You will have to accept, grieve, and move on. It’s easier said than done, which is why I am doing an online workshop in the month of July on the dates 7th and 14th. In this workshop, I’ll talk about how a narcissist betrays you beyond infidelity and how that leaves you with a moral wound. I will give you all the tools to learn how to trust yourself and others once more. If you want to book your spot right now, click the button above or the link in the description of this episode.

Reverse Discard

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