Proof a Narcissist Doesn’t Have Any Friends at all


Another crazy aspect of Narcissist friendship cult !

Another crazy aspect of a narcissist’s friendship cult is that members have to fight each other constantly to be or to get closer to the narcissist. They have to keep performing all the time. The minute they fail to perform is the minute they get thrown out, they get discarded, they get replaced, and they are isolated, which is annihilation for a cult member because their sole identity is attached to the beehive; they’re nothing without that hive. That’s how a narcissist hijacks the identity of all the pawns they use to establish maximum control.

What is the Narc. friendship based on ?

The relationship between the narcissist and his or her friend is purely based on what they are getting from each other. It’s like one parasite feeding on the other. When they are done, they discard, they leave, and they get replaced. Now think about it, if that is the type of a relationship this narcissistic parasite has with his or her friends, how would we call it a friendship? It’s not. Yes, they act nicely before them because they have to put up a front. These friends are fake. The narcissist pretends to be fake and that’s how they go; they mutually feed off each other.

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