Narcissists and their enablers, often called “flying monkeys,” fear you when you do certain things. I really appreciate you being here with me today.
Now, let’s dive into the 10 things flying monkeys and narcissists fear you will say and do:
They Fear Being Confronted
Flying monkeys and narcissists hate conflict. When you confront them with the years of data and evidence you’ve gathered, it terrifies them. They can’t handle criticism for their poor actions.
They Fear Exposure of Their Strategies
Narcissists are afraid that you’ll expose their abusive strategies like gaslighting and manipulation. They despise you learning about psychological manipulation, narcissistic personality disorder, and signs of narcissistic abuse. They’re deeply disturbed by your healing process, especially as you pursue trauma recovery and seek emotional support.
They Fear Whistleblowers and Truth Seekers
Whistleblowers and truth-seekers like you greatly intimidate narcissists and their enablers. Those who expose the truth disrupt their facade. They fear empaths, whistleblowers, scapegoats, and truth-seekers—anyone who stands up to their actions. They’ll do everything possible to silence you.
They Fear Losing the Power to Silence You
Narcissists will try to quiet, control, condemn, criticize, and discredit you. But when their tactics, like stalking, smear campaigns, bullying, and harassment, stop working, they panic. They’re unsettled when you go no-contact, use the gray rock method, or distance yourself from them.
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