10 Signs of a Narcissistic Sociopath


A narcissistic sociopath feeds off of negative emotions and energy. There is something about drama, others’ fear or pain, or the chaos of disaster that seems to excite them or give them energy. This kind of parasitic attraction to negativity is a telltale sign of a sick person, including a person who may have traits of NPD and ASPD. This behavior is also what makes sociopathic narcissists sadistic and dangerous, causing them to enjoy the pain and suffering of others.

9. They Get Bored Easily

A narcissistic sociopath is constantly seeking sensations and cheap thrills because nothing can hold their interest and attention for long. They become easily bored with people, things, and activities, and will abandon them once they are no longer entertained. This boredom can also turn into a restlessness that causes them to find destructive outlets. For this reason, people with these traits tend to be impulsive and aggressive, or engaged in crime, violence, or drug use.

10. They Are Empty Inside

A narcissistic sociopath may have worked hard to craft a powerful, important image, but this is a front. Lacking the ability to feel a full range of emotions makes them hollow and empty on the inside, keeping them from really experiencing things, expressing themselves, or connecting with others.3 This internal emptiness is what they’re trying to hide from others with their narcissism, and also what they’re seeking to escape within themselves by using maintaining a level of entertainment, power, or destruction.

How to Deal With a Narcissistic Sociopath


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