Narcissist, Psychopath, or Sociopath?


Psychopaths share many traits with narcissists, such as a lack of empathy and grandiosity, but with a critical difference: they feel no guilt or shame. Psychopaths do not experience remorse, making them capable of heinous acts like serial killing or corporate destruction without concern for others. Unlike narcissists, who might hope no one gets hurt, psychopaths genuinely do not care.

Sociopaths vs. Psychopaths

The confusion between sociopaths and psychopaths is common. Both lack remorse, but the key difference lies in their origins. Psychopaths are born, while sociopaths are made. Research indicates that psychopaths may have different autonomic nervous systems, affecting their fight-or-flight responses. For instance, normal individuals might experience increased heart rates and sweating when breaking a rule, but psychopaths do not.

Psychopaths remain calm under pressure, such as during a lie-detector test or when facing police. They often possess charming, glib personalities, making them skilled manipulators. Their brains show different activity patterns in empathy-related areas, and while they can learn to mimic empathy, it does not come naturally to them.

Sociopaths: Products of Their Environment

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