How Narcissists End Their Relationships… 3 Dirty Ways They Do It


Another dirty way Narcissists like to end relationships is by not ending them at all. They just disappear, block you, and leave you wondering what happened. They have basically gone off with their new supply and are having a full-blown affair as if you don’t exist. They may come back days, weeks, or months later wanting to pick up where they left off, only to do it again. The Narcissist is keeping their partner in limbo, not knowing what is going on, where they go, or what they get up to. All you know is that the Narcissist will be back when they are ready. But this is not a healthy relationship and should not be tolerated. The fact of the matter is that the Narcissist is with someone else when they are not with you. You and the relationship you have with them do not exist when they are away. It is out of sight, out of mind.

No, you do it

A third way Narcissists like to end relationships is to manipulate their partners into ending the relationship first. This happens when the Narcissist realizes the only way they could play the victim is if the other person discards them. They tend to do this by making their partners jealous. A favorite of the Narcissist is talking about their ex. Some would even spend time with the ex, if the ex were the new supply, and make their partner aware of it. The Narcissist would claim their innocence, but they are hoping that they are doing enough to make their partner want to leave them. They may become more difficult to deal with, standoffish, more silent treatments, but nothing solid enough to label them as the bad guy. The Narcissist is trying to drive their partner to push them away so that they don’t have to. When you do tell them it’s over, there will be no resistance on their part because this is what they wanted. This would mess with your head even more because the Narcissist has made it clear by their actions that they do not care, and they are not willing to work on anything; they are just happy to leave.

To conclude, when the Narcissist wants out, someone will get hurt, and it is not the Narcissist. Whichever way they choose to end it, it is usually for their benefit alone. There is usually no closure or clear explanation as to what went wrong, nor are they willing to take accountability. Narcissists do not care who they hurt; all they care about is fulfilling their needs and wants.

Narcissistic personality disorder

The Aging Narcissist: What Happens as They Get Older


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