Do Narcissists End Relationships Themselves?

The discard phase is when the narcissist formally ends the relationship. This termination is typically abrupt and without closure, leaving the partner confused, hurt, and with numerous unresolved issues. During this phase, the narcissist might already be cultivating another relationship that promises better or more reliable narcissistic supply. They often overlap these phases by starting to idealize a new prospect while still in a relationship, a process known as triangulation, which further serves to destabilize the current partner.

Post-Discard: The Return Possibility

Even after a relationship ends, narcissists often leave a door slightly open for possible returns. This is not driven by affection but by pragmatism. If new sources of supply falter, the narcissist may return to previous partners. This possibility keeps the ex-partner in a state of uncertainty and emotional limbo, which is psychologically taxing and hinders proper healing and moving on.

The Psychological Impact on Victims

The effects on those who have been in intimate relationships with narcissists are profound and long-lasting. Victims may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), experience severe anxiety, depression, and have trust issues in future relationships. The systematic devaluation and discard can lead to a significant deterioration in mental health and self-esteem.

Victims often require therapy to heal from narcissistic abuse, as they must contend with the trauma of emotional betrayal and the manipulation they endured. Recovery involves understanding the nature of narcissistic behavior, rebuilding self-worth, and learning to set boundaries to protect against future psychological harm.

Recovery: Regaining Control

5 Narcissist’s Weird Sleeping Behaviour

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