8 things narcissists do to get under your skin

  1. The Pity Play:

Suddenly, the grandiose warrior becomes a fragile victim. Woe is them! The world is against them, everyone misunderstands them, and life is oh so unfair. They’ll guilt trip you with sob stories, manipulate your empathy, and suck you into their drama. You’ll feel compelled to fix them, protect them, and ease their pain.

Defense tactic: Set healthy boundaries. Offer support without getting consumed by their negativity. Remember, their pity parade is often a ploy for attention and control. Don’t become their therapist or enabler. Offer a listening ear, but maintain emotional distance.

  1. The Silent Treatment:

When you don’t conform, disagree, or challenge their narrative, the silent treatment becomes their weapon. They vanish into a self-imposed exile, leaving you questioning what you did wrong and desperately seeking their approval. This silent exile is designed to punish you, manipulate your behavior, and regain control.

Defense tactic: Don’t chase after them. Maintain your composure and self-respect. Fill your time with activities you enjoy, connect with supportive people, and remember, their silence is about them, not you. Don’t let their emotional withdrawal hold you hostage.

  1. The Backhanded Compliment:

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