8 Phrases to Shut Down Narcissists/Toxic People

To me, getting into a drama battle with a narcissist is like stepping into quicksand. The ground may look solid, but one step into the quicksand, and it’s obvious that it is not solid ground. The interesting thing about quicksand is that you’re not really in danger unless you struggle. In other words, unless you start reacting emotionally—elevating your distress, panicking—the more you move, the deeper you sink.

I kind of feel like that’s what happens when you’re drawn into a drama battle with a narcissist. If you fall for any of their manipulation tactics, that’s one foot into the quicksand. The temptation then is to try to reason with them, to use logic to get them to see sense so that things will be resolved. But that’s like struggling harder in the quicksand, thinking you’re helping yourself when you’re not.

It’s time to stop. Stop falling for those tactics and start using strategies of your own—strategies that help you stay grounded, stay true to yourself, and remain in emotional control, even when someone is trying to push you over the edge emotionally.

Here are eight powerful statements you can use when you sense a drama battle coming on:

1. “You’re Allowed to Feel That Way”

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