7 Reasons Why SILENCE is the Best Revenge for Narcissists

Have you ever been subjected to the silent treatment?
A narcissist often enjoys this passive-aggressive and abusive tactic, where they ignore you and pretend they don’t care. While there are various ways to handle narcissists, silent treatment is among the most effective..

Reason #1: The Silent Treatment Will Make Them Feel Abandoned
Narcissists are often manipulative but struggle with taking responsibility for their actions and emotions. They thrive on attention and praise, and ignoring them makes them feel abandoned—a consequence they deserve. The silent treatment forces them to face guilt and shame, which they usually avoid.
By withholding your reactions, you strip them of power. Narcissists expect emotional outbursts but silence unnerves them, creating curiosity and discomfort they cannot control.

Reason #2: The Silent Treatment Will Make Them Feel Unwanted
Narcissists care only about themselves, not how others perceive them. If you attempt to retaliate by spreading gossip or exposing them online, you risk appearing petty. Instead, the silent treatment effectively communicates your feelings without stooping to negativity.
When ignored, narcissists feel unwanted, insecure, and inadequate. This lack of validation undermines their confidence, as they rely heavily on attention from others.

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