7 People Narcissists Secretly Fear – I wish I knew this sooner

Narcissists are drawn to people they can control and manipulate, much like pirates are drawn to a treasure map. They’re not in it for the journey but rather for the loot they can claim for themselves. That’s why, in today’s article, I want to break down the seven types of people that narcissists simply cannot stand, and I also want to share with you the one person they’re always drawn to. By the end of our time today, you will be fully equipped to become less of a magnet and more of a repellent to these parasitic freeloaders. So get ready—we’re going to make you at least one of these seven.

Number one can best be described by their uncontrollable need to expose lies and illuminate facts, regardless of the consequences. These people don’t care if it puts them in with the unpopular crowd; they challenge delusions and report those who do wrong. These truth-tellers can’t let a lie go unchallenged; they are the whistleblowers, and we need them because narcissists are always scamming—whether in a corporate boardroom or the privacy of your living room. Narcissists are always looking for an angle to get what they want, and believe it or not, they are frequently caught in their transgressions. However, due to their manipulative nature, it’s not uncommon for them to bribe, gaslight, lie, or threaten their way out of consequences. That’s why they can’t tolerate whistleblowers—because these whistleblowers don’t care about what the narcissist says or does to them; they just want them exposed.

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