In today’s article, we are discussing one of the most concerning symptoms that people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) will always exhibit to some degree. Specifically, we are focusing on the delusional aspects of this disorder and their thinking patterns. It’s important for survivors to understand this aspect because, typically, we have, at some point, bought into these delusions to some extent when involved with a disordered individual. The best way to prevent making the same mistake is by understanding and learning about these patterns. That way, when someone like this attempts to manipulate us or sell us a delusion, we will recognize what is happening.
Now, let’s dive into the most common delusions held by individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
The first delusion we’re discussing is their belief that they are some kind of victim if you don’t bend to their will. They view your refusal to conform to their desires as a personal attack, accusing you of being out to get them, enjoying causing problems, or being disloyal and cruel. Narcissists truly believe they are the victims of your disrespect. They delusionally think that anyone who doesn’t automatically agree with them or accommodate their wishes is victimizing them. Sadly, this delusional belief often leads the true victim to adopt the same mindset, which is incredibly dangerous because it leaves them vulnerable to further manipulation and abuse. Disagreeing with someone or holding a different perspective does not make that person a victim.
Next, narcissists believe they are entitled to your 100% loyalty and commitment, regardless of how they treat you, and despite their own disloyalty. Not only do they believe they are entitled to this loyalty, but they demand it—especially from significant others and children. They think they deserve things in life that others do not, and their relationships are not reciprocal in any sense. If you are someone who avoids conflict, it can be incredibly easy to give in to these delusional beliefs, which may lead you to accept unacceptable behavior on a consistent basis. Over time, you may lose your sense of self in the confusion and indoctrination of the narcissist’s delusions.
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