Clearly, no empath is interested in actually “torturing” anyone. Although, when it comes to narcissistic perpetrators, the thought may be fun to consider from time to time.
That said, the irony is, simply by doing what we need to do to permanently break free from narcissistic abuse, while taking excellent care of ourselves in the process, the narcissist will have the experience of being tortured to some degree, if not to a large and intense degree.
Whether that is your actual intention or not, is another story.
In this article, I outline 5 things you can do to up-level your self-esteem, self-image, and your overall quality of life in such a way that will not only have you living a much better life across the board, but will also torture the narcissist in the process… from a distance, of course.
1. Commit to Healing and Recovery
Start by breaking free and committing to a genuine healing and recovery process. This alone will inflict a narcissistic injury because you’ll no longer be playing their game or feeding their ego. You won’t be a captive audience to their antics anymore.
When you focus on your healing, the narcissist loses power and control over you. The less you can be manipulated or exploited, the more they lose their source of dysfunctional gratification. By prioritizing your own well-being, you deprive the narcissist of their insatiable need for significance and admiration.
As you heal and stay focused on yourself, the narcissist will be unable to bait, target, or harm you. Your commitment to self-growth will empower you while disempowering them.
2. Ghost the Narcissist
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