Number two: Go full no contact. I know you know it already, but there is something missing, something most people won’t tell you, and that is what I want to share with you today. You must go no contact in all ways possible and imaginable. Most people misunderstand going no contact as cutting them off communication-wise, not talking to them, but that is not no contact, that’s just not talking to them. You need to understand your brain was hooked to their presence. You were trauma-bonded to their presence, and any form of exposure is going to reignite the fire. In other words, it’s going to impact the biochemistry of your brain and then impact you emotionally. Basically, it will keep you in the loop; you won’t be able to fully let go. So, what am I hinting at? I’m telling you to go no contact by blocking them on every social media platform you have them on: Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, even your Spotify account, cash apps. Every single door has to be closed, not for them, but for yourself. This is a self-respect thing. This is recognizing what you deserve and giving yourself that. This is an act of self-love, and what will that lead to? That will lead to freedom because you won’t be worried about whether they have moved on already, or if they are happy with the new person. You know it logically; I can bet you know it. They won’t be happy. Deep down, your heart tells you it’s not about the other person; it’s about the narcissist, the common denominator. But because they gaslit you, they instilled that chronic doubt, that sense of doubt that tells you maybe there was something missing in you. That is what creates this compulsive behavior, and you obsessively check on them, try to know what’s going on. If you want to break that pattern, if you want to remove yourself from the equation, you must go invisible and totally cut them off because they also psychically know if you are watching their stuff. They know it; they have predatory intuition. I have talked about it so many times. So once you cut them off, you cut off the indirect fuel and supply, and that is how you defeat them.
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