A super empath destroys or breaks a narcissist’s ego—their false self. Narcissists need validation, attention, and admiration. They need to be told or made to feel that they are better than the rest, but super empaths cannot tolerate this. In their eyes, everyone is equal and that’s how people should be treated. When a narcissist steps into their realm, they have to either accept it or get destroyed. A super empath will not hesitate for a second before shattering their ego by pointing out their insecurities or ethically using their weaknesses against them to put a stop to their abusive behavior.
A Super Empath Does Not Take Anything a Narcissist Says Seriously:
A super empath does not take anything a narcissist says personally because they know it’s just a developmentally arrested child stuck in an adult’s body. Narcissists are really immature, and a super empath recognizes this. All the projections, blame-shifting, and bad things narcissists say are deflected right away by super empaths.
Super Empaths Fight a Narcissist Hard:
Super empaths fight narcissists hard and they know how to do it because they have a strategy. They know narcissists have a lot to say, but super empaths have a lot to show. They know the predictable behavior and patterns. Whether the narcissist is going to blame them or pretend to be a victim of their circumstances, super empaths are ready to prove them wrong and expose them. They document a lot and know how to coordinate their actions, seeing it as a chess game where they know what moves to make to counter the moves the narcissistic individual is going to make.
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