5 Undeniable Reasons a Narcissist is Doomed To Collapse

No matter how capable and powerful a narcissist pretends to be, they are highly incompetent. They do not possess the resilience needed to succeed in life. They lack basic life skills, yet they believe they know it all. They think of themselves as a jack of all trades, but in reality, they are a master of none. Narcissists create a false construct for themselves and make it their reality. This false construct tells them, “No one is better than you. You are the one who deserves to be admired. You deserve to be put on a pedestal and receive all the praise because you are better than everybody else.” But you and I both know that is not true.

1. Being thankful or grateful:

A narcissist cannot truly be thankful. They are constantly plagued by a deep sense of dissatisfaction with life. They are always chasing new things, addicted to something that distracts them from their inner emptiness. The key difference between the emptiness you feel due to the trauma they cause and their emptiness is that you are aware of it. You know that it comes from within, and you work on filling it with self-love, presence, compassion, and other positive qualities. Narcissists, on the other hand, seek external solutions to internal problems. They disregard all the signs from their environment that point out, “You are the problem; you need to look within and work on your patterns.” They remain convinced that everyone else is the problem, which perpetuates their constant dissatisfaction. No matter how much they have, no matter how much love they receive, it’s never enough for them. Narcissists are doomed because they never understand what is making them feel insufficient.

2. Lack of adaptability:

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