When a narcissist meets a person they cannot fool or manipulate, they feel threatened and challenged. They do not retreat, do they? They react. They double down in subtle, calculated ways to maintain power and control. They move into damage control mode because, for them, there is no other option.
The tactics they use aren’t the ones you often hear about. They’re more complex—unspoken strategies designed to neutralize you. What shocking tactics am I talking about? Let’s find out in today’s episode.
1. Reverse Validation: Building You Up Only to Bring You Down
When a narcissist realizes they cannot fool you, they will unexpectedly start praising you. This isn’t in their nature—why would they praise you when they dislike you? At first glance, it seems like they’re trying to repair the relationship or genuinely respect you. But make no mistake, this is a calculated move.
They may say things like:
- “You’re the only one who truly understands things on my level.”
- “I admire how sharp you are. I’ve always respected that about you.”
This isn’t actual admiration; it’s containment. They want to contain the damage because they know if they mess with you, you can destroy them. By showering you with compliments, they create an illusion of mutual respect while keeping you close enough to monitor and control.
They know you can destroy their reputation and their endless stream of supply. So, to take their revenge, they double down on being nice, only to unleash unlimited rage later. They also know tactics like gaslighting and pathological lying won’t work on you, so they wear a mask of friendliness. Their goal is to pacify you, make you feel special or valued, and lower your guard. But the minute you let them in, they betray you and cause devastation.
2. Silent Sabotage: Undermining Behind Closed Doors
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