5 Tell Tale Signs Of Narcissistic Collapse


There comes a point in a narcissist’s life when all the avenues of supply generation fail them. Their delusions of grandeur are conflicted by the reality of their weaknesses, and they become a scared little mouse in the corner, trying to grab onto something for survival to prevent the total disintegration of their false self.

Number One: Complete Withdrawal

By nature, a narcissist is other-focused, meaning they have to have someone in their life that keeps them distracted from their failed true self. But when everyone leaves, especially in their old age, they have no option other than sitting with their suppressed and rotten trauma that comes up to the surface. When that happens, it shatters their narcissistic defenses and catatonically depresses them, leading to a loss of interest in everything, which becomes withdrawal, leading to further irreversible collapse or self-awareness in very few cases.

Number Two: Hyper Irritability and Bitterness

The loss of power, strength, vitality, control, and recognition makes a narcissist realize that they have miserably failed in maintaining their everlasting control. They become irritable and more bitter than ever, and their rage takes over. The once powerful narcissist is now a weakling who cannot reverse their story. They express this anger towards themselves for having failed and project it onto others. The object that receives this projection can be anyone or anything in their proximity: it could be you, their dog, the neighbor, or a random stranger. They become the worst and most bitter version of themselves.

Number Three: Euphoric Recall of the Glory Days

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