5 Cashless Ways a Narcissist Financially Abuses You


If there is anything a narcissist cares about more than their own life, it is money. It doesn’t matter what type of narcissist you’re dealing with—covert, overt—all types are extremely addicted to earning, counting, hoarding, and hiding it. Why wouldn’t they be when they see money as a portal to unlimited possibilities, a tool to exert power and control over others, a means to exploit your emotions, and a way to create unbreakable bonds through financial dependency?

Think about it for a second. If you depend on them financially and they count every single penny, how would you be able to leave? That is what they love. That’s what gives them the biggest high.

Direct Financial Abuse by Narcissists

In many cases, a narcissist financially abuses you directly by controlling the flow of money. They decide where it comes from and where it goes. But there are also indirect ways—cashless, moneyless ways—they financially abuse you, sometimes even using your own money against you.

Cashless Financial Abuse: An Overview

Let’s talk about these cashless methods in today’s episode. I’m Danish, a psychologist, trauma therapist, and narcissistic abuse recovery professional. Welcome to my channel. Today’s topic is five cashless ways a narcissist financially abuses you.

Financial Parasites: Targeting High Earners

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