3 Things GOD Does to a Narcissist

Does God ever punish a narcissist? Does the universe, God, or the Divine ever intervene and make them face the consequences of their actions? If yes, then why do they take such a long time to be narcissists and abuse other people? If they hit roadblocks and if their face cuts their karma, why don’t they face it right away? Because here you are struggling and suffering, trying to move on, trying to heal, and so on, but the narcissist seems to be happy and okay with their life. That sounds quite unjust, doesn’t it? And it makes you wonder, if you’re a believer in a higher self, God, the universe, or the divine—call it whatever you want to—where is that divine energy? Why does the narcissist get it all, and here I am trying to make sense of what happened to me?

The first thing God does to a narcissist is that he or she is given a lot of time, many chances, and a lot of space to change. But the narcissist never chooses to look within, take responsibility for their actions, understand that they are doing something terribly wrong, and they need to change their ways. Because every human being has free will, and God isn’t that iron-fisted. God isn’t someone who is just eager to punish us and tell us about it. At least, I don’t see the divine being in that way. In my eyes, he or our universe is the most compassionate and merciful. So, of course, you are going to get a lot of chances to use your freedom. A narcissist is given so many ways and shown so many ways that they need to understand they need to take control of their actions; otherwise, they are going to face consequences, and there won’t be any escape. The proof of all of this is you. You were given to them as a gift. It will make sense in the moment. The narcissist received you as a divine gift because you offered them everything they needed to change. You gave them chances; you showed them compassion; you radically accepted them as they are; you forgave them; you treated them like you would treat your own child, let’s say, because you just ignored their wrongdoings and kept understanding them again and again. But what did the narcissist do with you? How did they treat you? They abused you; they took advantage of all the freedoms you gave them; they weaponized your good qualities against you, which is basically waging a war against the Divine Force, rejecting that help again and again, trading their life force for perishable and materialistic things that give instant gratification. They never chose to see love; they never chose life. That’s why they are doomed to repeat the same cycle again and again because of their stubborn and rigid nature. They keep doing the same thing, choosing the same thing, thinking they are soaring high, they’re flying, they are the gods, and they are going to dictate everything—what happens to people, what happens to them, what happens to Earth. And God lets it happen; the universe lets them be delusional because the more they go high, the more it will hurt when they are dropped, and they will land on their faces. That is exactly what happens when the narcissist hits collapse; their world is turned upside down, and their reality is thrown in their face, which is their punishment.

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